Sturmwarnung Balkan
Nirgendwo in Europa findet sich solch ein auch historisch gewachsener Hader und Hass.
der Standard, 20.2.2017
Schutz des Balkans vor Europa
Die Rede vom Balkan als Pulverfass ist falsch – Gefahr droht der Region von aussen.
NZZ, 18.2.2017
Pulverfass Europa – der Balkan die Lunte
Die Perspektive einer EU-Mitgliedschaft unterstützte jahrelang die demokratische Entwicklung der Staaten auf dem Westbalkan. Ohne sie könnten die Folgen für ganz Europa verheerend sein.
Deutsche Welle, 16.2.2017
More Work for the Balkan Map Makers?
The 1995 Dayton deal ended a boom time for Balkan mapmakers – but with ‘land swaps’ and frontiers once more up for discussion, they could find their services in demand again.
BIRN, 13.2.17
Russia Never Went Away from the Balkans
If the West now has to compete with Russia for influence in the Balkans, that might not be a bad thing.
BIRN, 8.2.2017
Kriegsgefahr und neue Grenzen auf dem Balkan
dpa, 8.2.2017
Redrawing Balkan Borders Would Shock Europe
BIRN, 23.1.2017
Multi-ethnic States Have Failed in the Balkans
BIRN, 16.2.2017
Balkan: Wo Europa am zerbrechlichsten ist
Es gehört zu den Lebenslügen der EU, zu glauben, der Balkan könne ihr nicht verloren gehen. Doch daran arbeiten gerade einige Länder. Europa macht es sich zu bequem.
DIE ZEIT, 2. 2.2017
Populism in the region echoes that in the U.S. but weaker institutional safeguards risk great autocracy and corruption.
Newsweek, 27.1.2017
Westbalkan wendet sich von EU ab. Realpolitik statt Rechtsstaat
In jedem Land des Westbalkans herrschen autoritäre Politiker und korrupte Cliquen, sie wenden sich immer mehr von Demokratie und Rechtsstaat ab. Die EU braucht sie dennoch – stabile Partner sind wichtiger als Prinzipien.
Der Spiegel, 8.1.2017
Stirring up the Spectre of New Balkan Wars
The situation in the Balkans is far from rosy but the last thing the region needs is a bunch of so-called ‘experts’ fanning the flames of future conflicts.
BIRN, 30.1.2017
The Euro-Atlantic Project is Ending in the Balkans
As UK and America withdraw from the region, Europe’s ability to use ‘soft power’ to nudge the Balkans in the direction of liberal democracy will further decline, making instability more likely.
BIRN, 13.12.16
Propagandaschlacht auf dem Balkan: Russland hat die Nase vorn
dpa, 30.11.2016
Democracy Dream is Fading Away in Former Yugoslavia
The right to vote for any party they like has existed in former Yugoslavia for more than a quarter of a century, but genuine democracy remains a dream for many as the region remains split along ethnic lines and lags in sustainable economic development. In fact, that dream seems to be vanishing.
Bosnia Daily, 1.6.2016
The European Challenge to Liberal Democracy
From the Baltic to the Bosporus, governments have come to power which openly reject key components of liberal democracy and EU integration: Some play by democratic rules, but play the nationalist card, such as rehabilitate or relativizing the Nazi past, as in Croatia, or raise fear of a Muslim threat, as in Slovakia; some rule with authoritarian methods, but publicly stick to a reformist liberal agenda, as in Serbia and Montenegro, others use a mixture of both, such as Hungary, Turkey or Macedonia.
Bosnia Daily, 25.6.2016